Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our First Blog!

Well this is officially our first family blog! Just a quick update on what is going on in our lives! Sarah has moved to Connectitcut and is going to be a nanny out there for the next year. You can check out her blog too it is in the Family and Friends header. Emily and Adam bought a home in Nibley a little over a year ago, and it is so cute... the have such a wonderful garden (even the racoons think so). They have two new additions in there family, Buddy and Babe (two very sweet dogs). Mom and Dad (and Grandma and Grandpa) all live in a white house in Ogden (Commenly known as the white elephant). It has turned into quite a challenge, however it is getting more and more beautiful everytime that you go there. Jeremy and Morgan bought a home in Logan and not have a sweet littly puppy named Kirby. All of our family is growing and staying busy!